
Nursing the Possibilities…

The last several weekends have been incredibly busy, which has left me doing all sorts of gardening prep and maintenance on the week nights after work, which only provides me with a couple hours of sunlight.

(Potted a little over 70 seed pots, cannot wait to see what comes up! Each side is some Fennel and Calendula)

So, Sunday, I had promised myself that after all was said and done, this day would be the day to continue working with my seedlings, mow the lawn, and even shock the pool. Alas, it doesn’t look like much was going to happen yesterday, as the rain clouds, although not in one big clump, are sparse throughout the area, which is going to result in passing rain showers like every 20 minutes! But, Scott and I were busy-busy at keeping up with Mum Gaia as she spread her light showers. And we were totally okay with that, really. Mother Nature has a job she needs to do, and I firmly believe that we need to let her do it. She can most certainly live without us, however WE cannot live without HER!

(Excited to finally see my Roses and Morning Glories coming in to bloom, and that mystery daisy-looking plant finally flowered, and it’s Fleabane!  How exciting!)

So, the grass was mowed, and I got about 70+ seedlings planted in their starter pots. When I was finished, I stood in front of my little greenhouse, like a hovering new mother looking into the nursery. Maybe that’s why gardens and hospitals call these places “nursery”. We are nursing the things in that room to grow and thrive.

On another note, I’ve been keeping up with what’s going on astrologically. Mercury will be thankfully going out of retrograde status on May 22. But that still leaves 3 others in the retrograde phase. Mars, Saturn and Pluto.


With Mars, we need to remember this is a good time to SLOW down. When we try hard to make things happen, things can backfire if you are not prepared. And especially with Mars AND Saturn being retrograde, you best remember this will most likely happen. Expect to work a little harder for things. (in my case, that’s just a normal day for me hahaha). And then you’ve got little Pluto out there, reminding us that now is the time to cleanse the inner most part of ourselves. To walk away from things and people who no longer serve our greater good. When you are awake, it can be acutely difficult to be around those who are still in a sleep mode. You continue to love them and wish them peace, but their own lack of ascending is only going to hinder your own journey. Take time to seek within. Sometimes we have to make decisions that may hurt others, but will bring YOU peace. And you know what? Sometimes, you HAVE to make that sacrifice. You cannot be 100% for others if you are not 100% for yourself. I’m not giving you the liberty to make decisions based on selfish desires, but more suggesting you take a hard look at the who’s and what’s in your life that are bringing your soul down. And when the soul ain’t happy, nothing else about you will be either. I know people close to me who are suffering, or making decisions just like this. And as hard as it is for them, it is for the best of all concerned. If anything, that is what these retrogrades are teaching us right now. Slow down, think about what is good in your life and stick with it. Think about what’s bad in your life and let it go. It’s really that simple, even if the action itself is difficult to finish.

I myself have had a lot to think about in the last couple weeks. It doesn’t make it easier that the retrogrades have been causing a bit of a riot in my own life. Things not going right, conversations being skewed, plans being rescheduled, etc etc etc….For me, it relates to a bigger picture in my life. What does one do when every part of your beings KNOWS a change needs to be made, and yet, outside forces and even my own brain is telling me, “no no no, it’s too risky”. To say I’m scared is an understatement. But I know the universe has a way of working things out for the betterment of all, and so I have to trust in it. Deep inside I know this is a time of great possibilities. And I just need to have faith, right?
Great possibilities. Like my garden. I look around, and see so much possibility. The potential for growth, harmony, existence, life and so on…like my own personal journey is reflected into what is the Sacred Gardens. Because my life is sacred. Our planet is Sacred. And my soul is the nursery. Tending and caring for its very existence to grow and thrive in this world.

(Where I am nestled tonight in quietude where the rest of my clan in watching Wrestling in the family room…I choose Enya, candlelight and warmth…Maybe time to make a cup of tea???)

Nature Therapy and the First Generation of the Sacred Gardens of Mabon House…

All I want to do is be at home in my gardens. If there was any addiction I wouldn’t mind having, it is the addiction to being outside in nature. Now, before any finger-pointing people start telling me no addiction is good for you – allow me to explain further. Trust me on this – I am an addict…so I know all about addiction.


Addiction by definition is “An unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something.” Over the years, I have been addicted to food and prescription pain medicine.  And because of that, we all know that when you hear someone who is “addicted” to something, one immediately jumps to the conclusion that something is wrong. I am here to tell you that even as an addict, this is not necessarily the case. Coming from an addictive personality myself, I can totally relate to the feeling of needing to have or want something that I crave.


But that doesn’t necessarily mean that my feelings for that are malignant in nature. I mean, let’s face it – addiction of all kinds CAN be bad. That’s the truth. When you do one thing too much, it tends to lead to isolation from social interaction and impairs normal ranges of judgement. With things like drugs, alcohol, sex, food, continuously plaguing our world, it’s no wonder the word addiction has such a horrible stigma to the name.

And so, I have tried in earnest, to take my addictive personality, and use it towards something healthier. For me, it’s gardening.


Years ago I had a dream to build a Goddess Permaculture Paradise Plan (or as I like to call it, the GP3 haha).  I never had a name for it until my friend Colette, who is the magical mistress at Bealtaine Cottage ( ), coined the phrase “Goddess Permaculture Paradise”.  Unfortunately, in 2007, that dream was put on hold when my life was turned upside down and everything I once had, had been taken away from me. Here I am, 9 years later, and my dream is back on with a vengeance. An involuntary sabbatical that left me depressed but also more motivated than ever to refocus on my dream has presented itself in my new home, appropriately named, Mabon House.  If you are just reading my blogs for the first time, my husband Scott and I purchased this home in October 2015.  Since we follow the 8 Earth Festival holidays, we decided to name our home after the holiday we just celebrated, called Mabon, which means “Gratitude and Thanksgiving”.

(A little slice of our home, Mabon House)

Utilizing my friends Colette and Jacqueline (who are truly some of Gaia’s hand maidens) as my muses, I KNOW NOW, I have found my calling. Yup. Who knew? At 42 years old, I FINALLY found my calling.

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(Some areas of Bealtaine Cottage, one of my favorite places on Earth)

So, riddle me this, Hobbits…HOW do I proceed?

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(Mother Moon Monastery and Herb Farm, another favorite place I wish to visit – please check her website at )

When you are living paycheck to paycheck, it’s actually quite impossible to be “living the dream.” Yet, I cannot tell you how many self-help gurus, books, memes and everything else under the sun tell me that it CAN be done! Truth is, I DO believe this. I believe we are magical, spiritual beings that can do ANYTHING if we truly put our mind to it. And if it doesn’t happen, then it wasn’t meant to be AT THAT MOMENT. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen later down on your road of life. I’m living proof this has happened. And that the universe will surely reward for our love of trying and enduring the trials that come with it. I really do believe this. I teach this to people I mentor. Isn’t it funny though, when the teacher sometimes need to be taught?


On Mother’s Day, the majority of my afternoon and evening was spent in my gardens. I say gardens because I am planning on having little gardens spread throughout the property.  (Please see my previous video blog on my quick tour around the back gardens).  On the following Tuesday, after an incredibly difficult day, I went to my favorite garden nursery (Renninger’s in Royersford, PA), and went on a little shopping spree since they were having a sale. And less than 30 minutes later, I was back in my gardens, tinkering and toiling. It’s my therapy. My NEEDED therapy.


What’s in my garden, you ask? Oh dear Hobbits….have I got treats for you!

For the veggies, I’ve got String Beans, Sweet Peas, Russian Kale, Hugh’s Cabbage, Green Cabbage, Spinach, Broccoli, Cauliflower, 3 types of Tomatoes, 2 types of Onion, Leeks, Red Bell and Sweet Banana Peppers, Scallions, Beets, Nastercians, Eggplant, Blue Kale, Potatoes and Carrots.

In the fruit department, I’ve got Raspberries and Strawberries. And soon to be planting seeds from my organic lemons, because…why the hell not?

In the herbal/flower section, I’ve got Calendula, Italian Parsley, Dill, Basil, Sage, Thyme, Sweet Marjoram, Patchouli, Feverfew, Chamomile, Angelica, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Lavender, Passion Flower, Comfrey, Valerian Root, Purple Deadnettle, Plantain (not the banana type-the medicinal herb type) and Gladioli.

In the tree department I’ve got Dogwoods, Hawthorn (appropriated named The Fairy Wood), and Crab Apples. My Willow cuttings from Bealtaine Cottage in Ireland sadly didn’t make it over the winter, mainly because Linus pulled them out and ate them. Sigh…a little rascal, indeed.

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(my clever little rascal of a doggie, Linus VanPuggle)

On Thursday, after working half a day and getting some appointments done, I will be exactly where I am most happy – in my gardens. Do you know that every morning, I walk outside before leaving for work, letting my beloved plants know I will be back soon enough, then sit in the meditational nook and speak to my Mother, Gaia. Sometimes I call her Gaia, sometimes I call her Mary, sometimes I call her Lakshmi, but in the end, she is the same, she is One Mother. My Mother. Not to take away my own love for my Mom, Eileen, as my love for her swells past the ages, I don’t think she will ever understand the depth of unconditional love I have for her, even though we both make each other crazy. In the end, she is my Mother. And even though I don’t agree with things she believes in, if there is one thing I have taken from her teachings, it is to unconditionally love. This has been the greatest teaching she and my Father have given me. Something I once took for granted, and never again will question. This is truth buried beneath my very bones.


The fact that for the next 3 ½ days I will be spending time in my gardens has made me squeal with such excitement. It’s funny how some people absolutely hate the thought of working in the garden or yard. For me, it is therapy. Deep therapy. And Mum Gaia is my therapist.


I am excited also that you, my readers, will be joining me on this journey I have been talking about for how many years? And now it’s finally here. My heart swells. My cup runneth over.

Come, walk with me…


(My lavender is beginning to flower)

(Same as my lemon verbena…flowers=seeds!!!!)
(Transplant babies. From seed to garden)
(First flower of my Nastercians!)
(Tomatoes and Passion Flower galore! )
(My pretty Hibiscus I had to take home with me…)

The Ascension Series: Revisiting An Important Topic…

Several posts ago, I posted about a video that truly changed my life. Truth is, I still can’t stop talking about it. I want the whole world to know what I felt what I saw and heard through this video that was less than 30 minutes long. (If you want to see the video, please hover over my word “video” in the first sentence and click on it- that will take you to that video)


Why is it, that things in our life go through such unbelievable change, yet we either shy away from it or worse, completely ignore the signs, and instead walk amongst the sheep who choose to live through life with their eyes closed?


We were born into this world for reasons we have no idea why. Religions tell us because God created us to live a spiritual life in a physical world. Science tells us there is not spiritual world, and that we were made from star dust. And here we are, in 2016, we are STILL arguing how in the world we got here (no pun intended). I remember back in the 1980’s when Pope John Paul II caused an absolute ruckus within the Catholic Church when he offered the idea that maybe God created the Big Bang. Religious Conservatives and Scientific Scholars lost their proverbial minds over this because in their own minds, putting Science and Religion together is simply a no bueno.

Why do unknown things scare us so freaking much? I mean, take for instance something simple. Right now, as I sit typing this out, I am drinking on of my well-known Kratom teas. I came across this amazing Southeast Asian plant back in 2013 and although at first I was skeptical, I found that this plant has helped me come off so many dangerous drugs created by Big Pharma. And still, 3 years later, people around me are fearful that I am taking some “drug”. In the video that I suggested above, the narrator states that Light means “Information” and Darkness means “Lack of Information”. Which of course makes complete sense when you use the phrase of “Being in the dark” about things.   For example (and I apologize if I sound like I’m going off in another direction – I swear it will make sense in the end)…A common human trait when we become comfortable is stagnancy.  It’s why couples tend to gain weight together once they get out of the “honeymoon” phase. It’s why kids become addicted to video games because we as parents try to find some form of peace and quiet and we know that’s how we get it. Patterns become habits and sometimes those patterns are not necessarily good ones. Yet, changing ourselves can sometimes be a tedious and challenging task that can at times prove to be almost impossible. This is usually due to our environment, relationships, careers, health, and a multitude of other facets.  This, in a sense, is living in the dark.


We can also be in the dark because we are forced to be. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to believe the governments of the world keeps things hidden from the people of this planet. Now, before you get all crazy like by calling me a conspiracy theorist, do your research. You don’t need to follow politics to know we are not told everything. And yet, big corporations like Monsanto and big Banks and the politicians they pay for continue to grow stronger and richer, slowly closing the gap on what was once the Middle Class. Modern Day Physicists have already proved Molecular Time Travel, Dark Matter, Black Holes, as well as a feast of what you would think they would be from some Science Fiction story.


Whether you care to believe it or not, WE are changing. We are evolving. We are no longer in a 4 Dimensional World. We are currently moving into the 5th Dimension. Many people, in fact, some I personally know, have already moved into this realm. The veil between the living world and the other world has been thinner than ever in our lives. Can’t you feel that energy? It is why more and more people are moving away from organized religion and finding solace in a personal relationship with our Creator without the dogmatic laws of control. It’s why the “new age” philosophies have boomed into our world creating its own market. Why? Because we are humans and we HAVE to evolve. We NEED to evolve. Does it matter how we got here? Does it matter what we did before? Not really. What matters is NOW. Echkert Tolle coined the phrase “Living in the Now” and has a best selling book on it. But truthfully, you don’t need to read a book about living in the now. It’s a very simple concept.

You cannot rewrite the past.

You cannot predict the future.

All you have is now.


How do you feel about now? I know for a lot of people, you’re not feeling that great. Because the Earth Herself is evolving, we who live with her need to keep up or we’re going to be left behind. You need to remember this very important fact:

Mother Earth CAN and WILL live without us.

However, we CANNOT live without Her.

Get out of the darkness and move into the light.


Yesterday marked the First Day of Spring. Now, although my belief system has me preparing for Spring as early as February 1st, most people in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate March 20th as the first day of Spring. It makes sense because this is around the time that the crocuses, daffodils and tulips are budding out of hibernation, ready to open up and declare life has come back to us! What a joyous occasion it is! It is the day of the Spring Equinox, the day when the daytime and nighttime are of equal length. People of Persian descent celebrate their New Year with the Feast of Nowruz, and for my astrological peeps, March 20th symbolizes the beginning of the Astrological New Year.


So, all in all, it is a day of rebirth. And as I stated on a Facebook post on my personal page, it is the reason why Christianity celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was actually crucified in November of 33 AD based on historical research and fact (I don’t need anyone quoting scripture to me, the timing of his birth and death means nothing.  It’s the actual events in hand where the importance lies), but it is honored around the week of the Equinox since its original Pagan origins symbolized the rebirth of Springtime. For many that wonder where Eggs, Chickens, Lambs, and Bunny Rabbits seem to be the symbol of Easter? Well, that was because the original holiday, Ostara, was about rebirth, and all the baby animals, including eggs, were apart of this day. In Greek Mythology, Persephone came out of the Underworld back into her Mother Demeter’s arms on the Spring Equinox.  Persephone is the Goddess of Spring, of baby animals, and of rebirth itself.  When Christianity took over Rome, they kept some of the symbols, while burying the rest of the story.


(Jesus loves ALL of us, don’t let anyone tell you different)

See? Now, does it matter? No. Of course not. Why? Because no matter how you slice it, we are ALL connected. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.

Okay, well, thanks for the history lesson, Bridget, but what does this have to do with Ascension, you ask?

Everything. Because in order for us to truly, TRULY understand how Mother Earth evolves, we too, must evolve. Ascend to new dimensions to further align our physical bodies with our spiritual ones.


It is heartbreaking for me to see people so blinded by pride and ego. Anything that is said outside their own understanding is cause for worry, resentment, or downright anger for thinking outside the box. People are irritated because they are dealing with someone who “just can’t be normal like the rest of us”, or “why do you have to act like a hippy or gypsy or whatever you call it, why can’t you just act normal?”  This week I read an article where a Christian woman was fasting for 15 days for her love of Jesus.  On the 15th Day, she because delirious and was sent to the hospital, where her bloodwork came with all low amounts of everything.  She told the hospital she was fasting.  She took her bible out and prayed.  The doctor made the assumption she was unstable, and had her involuntarily committed for 5 days where she was forced Psychotropic medicines!!!  I mean, seriously!  How cruel is that???  She was of sound mind after she was given saline to hydrate her, and yet the hospital staff and doctor even went as far as to try to get the court to allow them to lock her up in a mental institution!  For praying!  (As of right now, this woman is currently suing the hospital, doctor and staff for unlawful imprisonment).  Link to the article is below:


People judge you fas being abnormal, crazy and the like, just for being spiritual.  This is life right now for many people.  Sadly, this type of conversation is usually part of my life at least once a week. In the beginning, I would fight back, and put people in their place. It did nothing but put me right where they wanted. It was so difficult to pull away and turn the other cheek, breathe out the bad moments and pray they lessen as the days pass. Because one of two things are going to happen: The person(s) will simply walk away from you never to speak to you again, or they will simply accept you. Don’t ever expect the nagging to go away. It won’t. People with bruised egos will do anything to make their point. And that’s okay for you, remember that.  Allow them to do what they have to do. That does not mean you need to engage in the warfare, though. And that is simply what that is. You can choose to fight, or you can choose to love.

Always choose to love.


And yes, this is a very reasonable thing to ask. Just because the thought of a Utopian Society is pretty much something that may never happen in our lifetime, doesn’t mean each person shouldn’t strive to make their life utopian. This is the one thing that drives me batty! Just because we live in a crappy world with lots of greedy, angry and hurtful souls who are just simply blinded by the truth, doesn’t mean those who can see should act blindly as well for the sake of feeling justified!


Ascension is about moving up. Taking the high road. Seeing the big, overall picture. That’s all Ascension is.

And in that video, whether the beings are real or not, the message is abundantly clear: OPEN YOUR EYES. See the truth of the world but more importantly…LIVE YOUR TRUTH.


Imbolc – The Season of Spring!


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(our deck to the back gardens – a good foot of snow has already melted from last weekend)

With the harsh weather that the East Coast was dealt last weekend, much of my excitement for warmer weather went right down the tubes.  I wish I understood why Winter makes me sad enough to want to hide from the world.  But, I have hope!  This Winter has not been bad at all, compared to other years.  The last couple years we were dealt with ridiculous polar vortexes coming from the Artic. But the El Nino phenomena we are experiencing this year, I am grateful for the above normal temperatures so far, even with the blizzard.

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(Plants are still growing in the winter at Mabon House)

I have been diving knee deep into my sweet friend’s Jacqui’s video blogs on her Green Witch Herb School Series.  And as I am typing this, I am watching her Imbolc videos and then it dawned on me…


IMBOLC IS NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!  OH MY GOD!  Samhain is coming to a close.  And one of my two favorite seasons is about to hit!


So, if you are reading my blog for the first time, I will explain what I am talking about.


Imbolc (pronounced IMM-MOLCK), or in Christianized meaning, Candlemas.  It is the Celtic season of Springtime.  The time where our beautiful Earth’s alarm clock starts going off, and when many of our little animals begin to be born (such as goats, sheep, deer, bunnies, etc).  And like many of us, we tend to hit the snooze.  And that’s what she will be doing.  February 1st, St Bridget’s feast day, or the Goddess Brighid’s feast day, is coming up next week.  It is the time where we begin our planning for the seasons of life.


For me, it really is the beginning of my year.  Many men and woman celebrate the Celtic New Year on Samhain, which is October 31st.  And in a way, I agree.  Yule, or Christmas, is the first holiday of the Celtic new year, which is the welcoming back of the Sun.  And now, we are approaching Imbolc, which allows the early buds of Spring to awaken.  Crocuses, Snow Drops, Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, and other early Spring flowers, will begin to crack open their bulbs and slowly and surely reach out to the light of the sun.  Right now, my beloved bulbs are under a foot and a half of snow.  So, it can be difficult to celebrate the upcoming Spring with all that white on the ground!  But, never fear, Spring WILL come!  That’s the beauty of our world.  Spring always follows Winter.  And for me, Winter is almost over.


I am sitting here at home today, because we were running out of oil and needed to wait for the oil guy to come today.  I am watching the Green Witch Herb School as I said above, and she is teaching people how to make your own besom with witch’s (scotch) broom flowers, raffia and a piece of driftwood.  I think it is important to craft things that you can hang or show in your own home, because it really empowers the energy of the house as YOUR home.  In this case, I love besoms.  I have brooms in almost every room, and there are brooms at every doorway.  In old folklore, a broom at every door is meant to protect each and every entrance into your home.  At our Lughnasadh celebration in 2014, I had all my Circle ladies make their own broom.  It was so much fun and I look forward to doing more with my ladies this upcoming year.  Sadly, I had to make a difficult decision over the weekend regarding relationships in my life.  I know I made the right decision, but it doesn’t make it any easier.  All in the journey, I guess.  And knowing that I no longer have anything in front of me that would be keeping me from moving on in my journey, it’s almost kind of perfect that Imbolc should be the next holiday.  It’s about new beginnings.  New journeys.  New paths.


I am currently burning sage in my family room, and the house smells AMAZING.  It’s a shame it’s so cold out, as I love to open the doors and let the fresh air in.  Hopefully this will be a different story come next month.


Today, since I am home, I will be preparing some of my seeds to be planted in my containers.  Wait?  Isn’t it the end of January?  Yup!  But, now that I have more room, as well as areas where I CAN sprout and seed my fruits and vegetables, I want to give them a head start so they will be super strong by the time they go in end of March, beginning of April.  Baby steps…

I give myself 10 years to make this whole.  To create a self-sustaining homestead based on permaculture principals.  I want to be able to video all of my journey, but I feel especially right now, my sad emotions from the cold weather are keeping me from doing so.  I hope, like I said above, that will change come next month.


What are YOU doing to plan for Spring?

Ideas for Celebrating Imbolc:

  • Make a St. Bridget’s Cross
  • Create your Garden Planner
  • Light lots of white and red candles
  • Make or decorate a broom
  • Have a gathering of friends to plan your spring and summer
  • Create a sacred space for ritual and meditation
  • Burn sage and smudge your house for the upcoming season



Upcoming Novel…

I have a story.  There’s no reason for it, only a collaboration of many dreams, visions and ideas that have come into my life over the course of the last ten years.  As I sit here listening to Book of Days by Enya, my belly begins to stir, as if I need to DO something.

Well, right now, all I can think of is that I need to WRITE.  

A few years ago, I began a novel.  It’s nowhere finished.  I’m only about 42,000 words into it, so I’m just a little over 1/3 done.  The story alone is beautiful, but it’s missing something.  It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t moved forward on it.  Last year I may have worked on it 3-5 times.  Towards the end of the year I did work on it before and after work for a total of 6 hours, but quite honestly, I’m not making the dent I was hoping for.

But right now I have these visions and dreams that NEED and will be a part of my story.  Yet, right now, I feel like I want to give you a glimpse of my story. Like a section off a section of the story itself.  

My visions:

Have you ever had the feeling of euphoric bliss?  You know that feeling that comes with such ecstacy you are almost certain it isn’t real.  It is almost as if you are having an out of body experience.  The feeling begins in the solar plexus of your body, that shoots downward, upward and outward in fissions of pure delight and joy.  Sometimes we even see “speckles of stars” from our peripheral vision, let alone an absolute feeling of such deep emotion it can bring you to tears.


And how deeply sad that we, as humans, rarely have that opportunity to feel what our souls only know?


When we transferred into the physical body during the contract negotiations of the life we were going into, one of the very things we give up is the constant state of euphoria.  When you are behind the veil, that very veil that the human race has sadly been kept on the other side of, you only know of your ego’s needs and desires.  At times of desperation, we turn to things that will give us temporary states of bliss.  Be that in foods, relationship, drugs, alcohol, medicines, etc…they are all ego sanctioned properties that the soul does not experience, because it is the HUMAN aspect of this life that gives us this opportunity to be a part of.  


The soul, as we know, is pure.  Our soul is the essence of the being.  So in order for that being to understand the physical matters of the world, the soul creates a contract that lists the lessons the soul is willing to endure in order to ascend into higher levels of consciousness, leading us closer to our Prime Creator.


There is no ONE Heaven.  In fact, there are many.  So many, in fact, it is not even worth to count, because there are just too many for our Heavens are as vast as the Universe itself.  And just think:  Our galaxy is one of 100 billion stars.  And outside of our galaxy, scientists counted 100 billion galaxies.  A person would have to be supremely arrogant to think we are the only beings living.  Can you ONLY imagine all the other beings out there, let alone galaxies and Heavens?  We look at our one little planet…Earth.  How glorious she is.  How beautiful.  When we think of Heaven, many people who believe in certain religious dream of a big city where people who are good go to.  And that people who are bad, go to Hell.

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My dears, I wish it was only that simple.

I do not believe in Hell.  Well, at least the Hell that is described in modern day.  We are beautiful beings of light that our Creator made in the image of themselves.  No one can ever get me to agree that there is a place that this loving and compassionate Creator throws these sinful humans for eternity.  

In saying that, I DO believe that there is a dark and desolate place for people who need additional lessons learned before they are able to enter the Eternal Heavens.  Some people call it Purgatory.  I really don’t call it anything, because I try very hard today not to label.  But in my heart, I do believe this place exists.  And then and only then, when the ego has been pulled apart and broken down to the essence of humility, do these beautiful but scarred souls release themselves into the eternal bliss of Oneness with God.


(Credit: Ryan Wykoff)

I also believe in other races outside the Human race on Earth.  I believe in the Sirians, the Arturians, the Pleiadians, the Andromedans, the Orions and countless other species that inhabit the grand Universe.  With these other races, we are only then given the chance to reach out to so many other Heavens.  But all these Heavens are provided for and Created none other than the Prime Creator, we all know as God.  

This, is what I see when I close my eyes at night.


I hear soft whispers of singing and humming, along with ripples of energy waves that look like rainbows floating in the skies.  The skies, depending on where I am, are colors of Purple, Blue, Green, Aqua, Yellow, Pink and Orange.  They are almost hyper in color.  I smell scents of Jasmine and  Honeysuckle, Sandalwood and Sage, Sweet Grass and Lavender.  I am in the best of health, and have found myself on many occasions being able to fly, jump hundreds of feet into the air, and land as if I was a dried leaf landing on its final resting place. I have strength beyond my wildest imagination. But there is one thing I cannot leave out.  The joy.  The euphoria.  The absolute state of ecstatic bliss I feel in this state is beyond comprehension.


I look out to the iridescent seas of aqua and almost a metallic white (as I said, the colors are almost hyper, or neon)…I have an energy pulsating within me, sending sweet sparks of happiness through what I would think to be my veins.  I am ready to go to my Eternal Home.


sand of beach caribbean sea

What does my home look like, you ask?

From what I can remember, the air itself has a pink aura to it.  It might be because almost every tree where I live has beautiful sweet pink flowers blossoming from them.  The day light hours are always hazy but no humidity.  Nighttime turns the beautiful blue skies a light purple, with stars so many it is impossible to count.  In a way, it is always Springtime.  There are paths around this area that are made of crystals and cobblestones.  The houses where souls live, are different shapes and sizes, but all made from the same material:  Crystal, a luminous metal of some sort and birch wood.  Parts of the homes are decorated with the most beautiful gemstones of emeralds, diamonds, rubies and so forth.  My “village” or “town” that I live in is always buzzing with some form of celebration.  Music is always playing, everyone is so happy and so peaceful.  If I had to put a physical look to it, my home is a combination of the town of Duillond and The Shire from Middle Earth. It might be why both these places always stirred some emotional connection within me.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, below are some pictures of the perceived look of these places…

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I look up into the sky, and see beautiful ships passing by, as well as comet-looking streaks that gives me the acknowledgement that they are indeed, fellow souls on their travels.

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So, imagine if you will, a never-ending Spring time.  Everywhere you go, there are flowers and trees continually blossoming and yet, always fruitful.  The colors are extremely vivid, almost overwhelming your sense of sight.  Even the air itself, has a buzzing energy you can actually see as metallic flecks of rainbow energy dazzling around you, as if pixie dust was actually part of the atmosphere.   The sky during the day was a bright sky blue, while the Sunrise and Sunset gave off dazzling hues of reds, purples, pinks and orange.  The nighttime sky was a shade of lavender purple that makes the starry skies light up in magical wonderment.


These are my thoughts, my visions, my dreams.  It is what helps me sink into sleep at night.  To dream of this heavenly home like the Undying Lands in Tolkien stories or Valhalla in the Norse tales.  As if Ireland, Scotland, the Maldives and New Zealand decided to become one big land.  That is my heaven.  I hope to share my story to you all one day.  Now, if only a publisher would be remotely interested in a story like this?  


The Demon Within…

One of the biggest things I deal with during this particular time of the year is the big D.  Most people know what I speak of, and I’m sure many of you are sitting on the other side of your computer nodding in complete and utter understanding.


Depression, as many know, is when a chemical imbalance in our brains result in a disruption of some-sort, creating a sort of chaos in our bodies that causes hopelessness. Most times, depression is the result of a tragedy a person experiences, whether it be a death, break-up, or any of loss of “something”….Sometimes, in my case, it could be just a simple explanation of the weather 5 feet from me.  It is one of my biggest struggles I face with in life, and every year I pray and pray that somewhere, somehow, this feeling of sadness would end.

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So, let’s talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)….


It goes without saying that everyone, both of human and animal alike, NEED sunlight.  The vitamins coming from the sun gives off so much energy and a pulse of life itself, there is no wonder why people love to “Sun bathe”.  Sadly, for me, I’m a Celt by blood.  A mixture of Irish, English, Scottish, and German.  So, putting my pasty self outside for more than a few moments will cause my skin to scream.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t love to be out in the sun.  It’s why I am a morning person, so to speak…(I say that because during the Monday-Friday deal, I’m not really worth talking to in the morning, but that’s a whole other story LOL)

In the Northern Hemisphere, at the time of Litha, otherwise known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice, the Sun is at his prime, beaming down with such veracity, it even finds the shadiest of places.  But sadly, after that prime day of days, the Sun begins its fall.  And within 6 months, the Sun, although still shining, does not have the luster and awe that we had just a few months before.  For many people, this time is the beginning of Winter.  And we start our slow climb back to the manifestation of the gifts the Sun gives us in the Spring and Summer.

So, during the time after the holiday and New Year season ends, there is a period of silence.  Nothing really happens until the next little break, which is Valentine’s Day.  And then, after that, is the Spring Equinox, Ostara, or as many know it to be, Easter.

What do we do during this period?  Well, for me, I kind of go crazy and start cleaning and regrouping my life, creating goals for the warmer weather to come, all while taking care of my mind, body and soul, who is sadly ill-at-ease over the lack of warm sunlight, growth and overall life.

It’s why I love living myself according to the Celtic Seasonal Calendar.  It makes sense for me, because I always was like a month early to prepare for each season/holiday.  In just a few weeks, MY Winter will be over.  On February 1st, I celebrate the feast day of St. Bridget, who holds the keys of the kingdom for my favorite Season: Spring.

February 1st in the Celtic Calendar is the Season of Imbolc (Pronounced IMM-OLCK).  It is the beginning of the Springtime, the time where our Mother Earth is stirring and beginning her slow process of “waking up”.  Just as we, each morning, open our eyes, stretch our arms and legs, and get reacquainted with the morning and the light, so does Mother Earth.  The soil, through its Winter hibernation, begins to warm up, allowing the seeds within the soil to take heed and blossom.  One of the greatest gifts we can get in the Early Springtime are Crocuses.  They are Mother Nature’s quiet little trumpets, usually peeking up within the snow and cold ground, alerting us all that warm weather IS coming back.  That is the beauty of this planet.  Of where I live.  We know Spring follows Winter.  It’s how life is.

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So, what do I do in the meantime?  Even as I type this out, on this lazy Sunday morning, I feel sad.  Sad because going outside would require me to bundle up because the air is SO cold, it would actually hurt my skin.  Make my eyes water.  Even the “smell” of life, is not there.

What makes me gaga over being outside?  Feeling the grass beneath my bare feet.  Smelling the seasonal flowers breezing through the air.  Seeing the magnificent trees, shrubs and bushes blossom with beautiful green leaves…In the Celtic myths, Autumn and Winter meant Jack Frost was out and about, dropping hints of frost and ice among everything alive, telling them it’s time to die or go to sleep….In the Spring and Summer Months, Jack in the Green is our go-to guy.  He is the one who warms the skies and the Earth, and instead of frost, we have beautiful droppings of dew.


(one of MANY Jack in the Green Parades held every year in Europe)

This is what makes my pulse quicken, my heart smile and my soul beam.  Warmth, light….like Persephone feeling so out of touch down in the Underworld, where she could not use her Gift with the Living World, and patiently waited until it was time for her to go back up, and be among the Living again, to feel the warmth of the Sun on her skin…Yes, I feel the exact same way.

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Since going off all Depression and Anxiety medicine, and opting for my Kratom intake, I can honestly say it hasn’t been TOO smooth sailing.  Of course it would be easy for me to put some chemicals into my body and numb myself…but it would be a disservice to me to do so.  I know not everyone agrees with me on that.  I always welcome other’s opinions and ideas…it’s just…it’s not for me.  I’ve been very careful over the last several years to deal with my addiction to pain killers…and for someone like me who is always in some kind of pain, it’s an easy excuse for me to pop a pill and call it a day.

No, as much as times like these where I wish I had something to numb my physical and emotional pain of the Winter, I know that in the end, it helps me SEE who I really am, because I am completely bare and open to the senses entirely.  I feel things now more than I ever have.  So, yes, the depression sucks.  But I also know, that there are times I feel such immense joy, that knowing I wouldn’t even feel an inch of that when trying to control my depression with medicine, gives me the honest knowing that I’m doing the right thing.

Don’t get me wrong:  I think about taking something every day.  Even right now, I feel incredibly blue (Get it?  Winter “blues”?) and staring at the walls may be what I need right now to numb the sadness of the lack of life outside….

This depression began in 2001.  And slowly progressed as the years went on…Now that I am in the beginning stages of my body slowing down and turning into the Crone, I feel this even more.

How do I deal with it?  It’s a demon inside of me I deal with every day between Thanksgiving and about Mid-March.  For some people it’s less time, and for others, it’s more.  It feels like the Postpartum depression I had for the first 4 weeks after my son’s birth.  It begins as a nagging feeling, that turns into a feeling of dread.  Dread?  Yup, dread.  It overtakes me like a demon overtakes a human…I cry at everything and anything, I sleep more, I stare more, and I tend to lash out more.  My husband, sons, parents, sisters and closest friends know it the depression talking.  The know this silly little hobbit doesn’t usually act like this, and know how to approach me during my times of struggle.  They know and respect the fact I don’t want chemicals in my body.  They are patient and kind, and allow me the time and patience I need for myself to understand how my body reacts to this rough season.


(seriously, whoever created these are a GENIUS)

Kratom certainly helps, but, it is just a band aid.  It does NOT take away the full feelings.  But it does lessen the load.  And the best part?  It does not numb me.  If there could be anything that I hate, it is the numbness of my body, mind and soul.  To lose the essence of your life just because there’s a period of time each year where I feel sad, it’s just not enough for me to make that kind of decision.  That’s not for me to judge anyone who DOES.

So, for the next few weeks, I will be quietly tinkering away at my new home.  Putting things in their place, and dealing with the sadness I not only feel for the cold months, but for other things I cannot control.  It’s a continued lesson in humility, and I love that I’m always up for the challenge, no matter how tired and sad I’m feeling at the moment.

What makes me happy during the colder months?

  • Music – Usually Celtic/Irish/Scottish music, 80’s Pop, and some Sacred World music, from either Lisa Thiel, Snatnam Kaur, or Spiral Dance
  • Painting – I am still trying to find my easle, but the moment I do, I’m off!
  • Festivals – There is an amazing Scottish and Irish Festival that happens in February, and it truly lifts up my spirits EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
  • Garden Planning – For the first time since 2007, I will have my own garden again.  Planning it has definitely helped tremendously during this time.
  • Snuggles – My boys know all these need to do is snuggle up to me, it will bring a big smile.  I love my family.
  • Cleaning – I tend to light A LOT of incense that smells of lavender, jasmine, and other springy smells…as well as light lots of candles…and the smell of Pine Sol?  OMG Don’t go there with me…it’s like heaven haha!
  • Ritual – if there is anything I love to do, is to be in ritual with myself.  That time you give to yourself, whether it is meditating, chanting, praying, or even something simple like taking a nice, warm bath…yes, it helps a great deal.

I know there are probably more, but these are the big ones.  Tell me about what you do!  I am always looking for suggestions.

Lots of Hobbit Love,



Keep On Keeping On….

wayne_dyer_peace_quote-251358About 20 minutes ago I wrote up a 1000 word blog on what’s going on with me.  Yeah, I won’t be posting that.  As many of you know, I take an herbal supplement along with my Juice Plus called Kratom.  A native relative of the coffee plant, Kratom comes from the jungles of Southeast Asia and has medicinal properties like no other.  For anyone with an addictive personality (like myself), I have found Kratom to be a lifesaver.  This winter has me battling a depression far worse than previous years.  What is does to my body on a physical level is so bad, I wonder how I get out of bed each day.  My entire body is cracked and dry, no matter how much oil, lotion, you name it, that I put on it.  It doesn’t work.  I have been dealing with a headache for 3 months straight now.  Signs point to my thyroid and gluten allergy, but hey, it’s not that I didn’t know this. Kratom helps me with depression, and Juice Plus helps out everywhere else.  However, since this cold weather really kicked us in the face this season, it seems NOTHING is working, no matter how much I take.  I was in the middle of taking my Kratom when I wrote the post that no one will ever see, dear God it was so depressing!  That’s how bad it has been recently.  Sigh….

But, the Kratom HAS kicked in and I am feeling slightly better.  It makes me so happy to see more people trying this miracle plant.  It has helped people off so many prescription and street drugs. And it almost has become a vocation for me to reach out to those who need it.  Quite a few people now order it at work, and my fiance’s best friend will be trying it this week.  It makes getting through this winter so much more worthwhile.  And I need to keep it in my head, that in 30 days, this weather will most likely be gone.  Crocuses will be blossoming, and tiny buds from hyacinths, daffodils and tulips will be making their way to the surface.  Mother Earth is waking up, and I know it is so important to remember that right now, instead of complaining of what’s happening right now.  My sweet friends up North, Lisa, Stephanie, Pixie, Bren, and Heather are all dealing with the continuous bad weather those states have been getting the last couple weeks.  My heart goes out to you all, and know I am holding you close to my heart that Spring will be coming sooner than later.

Today also marks our official 60 day mark until our wedding!  For those who haven’t seen our website, please check it out!

My sweet friends have decided to throw me a bridal shower on Saturday, March 14, and I look forward to being able to spend it with my family and friends. (sad to know my one sister cannot attend, but life is crazy these days, so I hope she knows I will miss her there.)

Needless to say, as I continue typing, the general happiness is coming back into my body.  Thank you Kratom for helping me with this.  Please let me know if anyone wants to know more about this plant.

I have decided to give up the good fight on the rumors that were circulating around a couple weeks ago that I don’t believe in Jesus.  It’s been a rough couple weeks but I am truly hanging in there. I will continue to pray for those people and just continue to live on.  Yesterday I was at Earthspeak in Kimberton, and bought these beautiful pictures of Jesus and St. Germain, my two teachers.  Jesus is out in the living room and St. Germain is in my bedroom.  Maybe this week I will post pictures of my sacred spaces throughout my home.  I hope they bring you the kind of peace they bring me.


Also, I have been lax on the 44 days of Spirit.  Forgive me.  I know many of you have emailed me asking if I forgot about it, and my answer is this:  No, I promise I will continue, just got thrown off the ramp a bit from that rumor.  It’s hard to keep a smile on your face when your name is being spoken in a negative manner.  But I promise, I will continue that series.  So much I want to share with you all.

In the end, I just wanted to thank you guys for sticking by me these last couple weeks while I sort my emotions out.  I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, so I am looking forward to continuing my journey.

And as my amazing and wonderful Super-Aunt Kathy told me, “Be 100% there.”  Well, that’s a promise I know I will keep.

Love, Light and Ooey-Gooey Happiness,

